Sourdough and Other Ferments
Sourdough is by far the healthiest way to bake and eat bread. A good sourdough uses only 3 key ingredients plus a little time and patience. Gluten itself is not water soluble and can therefore be difficult to digest. However, using higher hydration and a longer proving time we can help reduce that bloated feeling many of us now associate as a gluten intolerance.
With time and preparation you can help build yourself a healthier gut. And let’s face it, all that aside, sourdough is by far the tastiest style of bread out there and has been for thousands of years!
This course is designed to suit the more advanced home bakers as it will go through a more in depth understanding of the science behind bread. However, it does still go through the basics of sourdough for those who have a particular interest in making sourdough bread, but without the experience of prior baking.
What you will learn:
A brief background and scientific history of sourdough and fermentation.
Make your own starters to take home and continue baking with.
Guidelines on how to feed and nurture your starter.
How to work with high hydration dough and the benefits of doing so.
Low yeast and long ferments for healthier yeasted breads.
White sourdough, 100% rye, hazelnut mixed grain, pre-ferment for yeasted breads.
BAKED booklet with recipes and how-to cards to take home.